
Ouroboros is heavily inspired by science fiction works like Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner and Mike Pondsmith’s Cyberpunk the 1980s. This work is a statement on how even amidst a global pandemic with about 6.5 million deaths, we would still worry about matching our face mask to our outfit. This is shown in the work by depicting a world where humans can’t go outside without skin cover, respirators, and sunshades.

This world is dusty, dull, and decrepit. However, the people are extremely stylish, bedazzling their sunglasses and painting their sun visors. Through the use of style and wardrobe, I am highlighting fast fashion, but twisting it to fit in this world with dust masks and sunglasses as that is what would be sold in that time.

The point, however, is not to bring attention to the climate crisis, but to let you see what your future will be. The future may look cool now, but living in it is a different story.

This work was displayed in the St. Edward’s University  Art Gallery
from March 24, 2023 to April 14, 2023

Video Link!! -> Ouroboros
nickhphotos.com | nickaiche@gmail.com